Saturday 13 September 2014

Spring MVC Test cases with Annotated Beans Using Mockito

Annotations make java developer's life easy and also it feels like annotation based classes are complex for unit testing. But in reality it is quite simple. There are couple of ways through which you can test autowired/spring based classes.

Method 1:
You can use AnnotationConfigApplicationContext to load application context. Instantiate application context, register annotated classes and test your methods. Here is the sample code

Method 2:
Even though preceding method is an easiest way to test annotation based spring classes, if your test case becomes complex and if you want to mock actual request etc, you better move to mocking framework instead of basic one. I have used mockito with spring-test to mock actual requests with spring beans. Here is the sample code

In the above sample code we have used spy to mock real objects, if you just want to mock it you can use mock annotation instead of spy.

For this you need mockito and spring-test jars. Following are the minimal poms for the both respectively.

Here is the complete code with both the testing methodologies.
spring-test-template using mockito

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Extjs 4 : Delegating Events

Though ExtJS supports excellent event handling mechanism, sometimes we may want to handle custom events on some HTML components. For example if you want to handle hyperlink click whereas hyperlink is embedded in html code(using html tag or xtemplate), then you may need to delegate events to the component that you have created using 'delegate'. You can use simple hack to handle this.

  • Create HTML text using html tag or xtemplate. 
  • Assign classname/id to the component to which you want to attach an event. 
  • Attache event to the Ext body and delegate to the specific class/id show in below.
  • Make sure that class name or id is unique. 

Here is the fiddle to fiddle around with it.
Sample snippet