My Quora Content

  1. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What Java book will you suggest I refer to if I have eight days to interview and I learned it year ago
  2. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some Telugu books or novels one born after 1990 should not miss?
  3. Anonymous' answer to What university professors and faculty are users on Quora?
  4. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Where can I ask simple questions about English?
  5. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is your list of the top 10 Telugu movies till date? (Details)
  6. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the jobs in IT/Non-IT field 
  7. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How can I make others fork my project on GitHub?
  8. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What should we learn in Maven for beginners?
  9. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Which are the plugins and extensions that are really useful for open source developers?
  10. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What can I learn right now in just 10 minutes that could be useful for the rest of my life?
  11. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some of the basic concepts of trigonometry which most people don't know?
  12. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why should I learn Scala and Groovy if I already know Java?
  13. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Is there any site with list of English words in Telugu meaning in alphabetical wise?
  14. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to I have two months of time. I want to learn J2EE. Which technology I should concentrate on?
  15. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is a Java specification?
  16. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are examples of web based blogs for open source software developed in PHP or Java?
  17. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to When do I have to use try, catch and throw, throws?
  18. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How do I learn unused dependency in Maven?
  19. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Can a project developed using JSP and Servlets be integrated into the Maven build tool?
  20. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the most productive apps that can be installed on a smartphone ?
  21. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Which one is better- a Java developer or a tester?
  22. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What do you call a bicycle in Telugu?
  23. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Among all the scientists, who is the funniest according to you?
  24. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Telugu (language): Which is correct, Telugu or Telungu?
  25. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What do you hate that everyone else loves?
  26. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some good ways of using Quartz Scheduler?
  27. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What made you move to a coding job after studying in a non-CS branch? How do you feel about it now?
  28. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why is Tamil called as Aravam (అరవం) in Telugu?
  29. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How do one choose a good final year project?
  30. Anonymous' answer to What are the best pictures that showcase pleasure?
  31. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Do I need to be expert in mathematics to become a great programmer?
  32. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Which is the best coaching Institute for Java in Hyderabad?
  33. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What's the coolest thing you can get a computer to do in 10 lines of code?
  34. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Given a choice in interview which programming language should one prefer C++ or Java?
  35. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why telugus are called gultis? What is the cause for the origin of the word gulti?
  36. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is the best telugu lyrics website?
  37. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What kind of mini project can i create within a week or 2 weeks related to information technology or computer science?
  38. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why is there a need to save tigers in India?
  39. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Telugu (language): What are some good OSTs in Telugu with amazingly written lyrics?
  40. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is the best way to start coding/programming?
  41. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why is the number 786 so prevalent in the Indian Subcontinent as compared to other regions?
  42. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Books: Which one book would you buy, if you had only limited resources?
  43. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Hinduism see eating meat as cruelty to animals. But what about plants? They are living beings too. How do they justify consuming it?
  44. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to C (programming language): What are some of the best syntax hacks in C?
  45. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to C (programming language): What are some of the best syntax hacks in C?
  46. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the good ways to get response time of URL in JSP?
  47. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is a good book to start learning Java?
  48. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is a good book to start learning Java?
  49. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Will C/C++ ever die out?
  50. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Java (programming language): Is SCJP certification still worth it?
  51. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why is wrapper class Integer required for basic datatype int?
  52. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why Tamil people have hatred feelings for outsiders? Why do they especially hate north Indians? Why can't outsiders feel homely in Chennai like they feel in Bangalore, Mumbai , Hyderabad and rest of the cities?
  53. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to India: What are the best pictures that show the achievements of India?
  54. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Could anyone suggest me core java project for practice?
  55. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How do I create and utilize a database in C?
  56. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Telugu Literature: What are some of the must-read novels written by Mr.Yandamoori Virendranath?
  57. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What's the best way to learn some C++ coming from Java?
  58. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is the best coaching center for GRE in Hyderabad?
  59. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the best places(cafe/library etc)  to study/code through the night in Hyderabad?
  60. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the best places(cafe/library etc)  to study/code through the night in Hyderabad?
  61. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How can I learn Java?
  62. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Who are the most relevant science bloggers?
  63. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Hyderabad, India: What are some good places in Hyderabad to buy good quality clothes, with reasonable price?
  64. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Hyderabad, India: What are some good places in Hyderabad to buy good quality clothes, with reasonable price?
  65. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to If I want to buy a used Android phone, how much would it cost?
  66. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Web Development: What is the future as a web developer?
  67. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Hinduism: Why has the Hindu world failed to produce enough successful scientists in modern times?
  68. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some interesting examples of open source social software?
  69. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some books written in your mother tongue that should be translated into all the other Indian languages? Please mention the genre/small review.
  70. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How do I improve my English speaking skills in a very short time?
  71. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why is the documentation for Open Source projects not so good majority of times?
  72. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Hyderabad, India: What is the best place to get Vegetarian food in Hyderabad?
  73. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Jokes: What are your favorite stupid jokes in Telugu?
  74. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the best popular science books in Telugu?
  75. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What's the best thing to ever come out of Tamil Nadu?
  76. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Where can I find a complete list of algorithms used in programming?
  77. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is the method to calculate a square root by hand?
  78. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Who are the most famous scientists and mathematicians who lived and worked in India in the past 50 years?
  79. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some famous sweets from India?
  80. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How do you read?
  81. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How can I submit a new Telugu font to be adapted universally?
  82. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why does telugu lack one-syllable words?
  83. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Computer Science: How to write object of a class into a file?
  84. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Is there a substitution for \n or \t  in code blocks?
  85. Anonymous' answer to Andhra Pradesh, India: What are some of the interesting ways to annoy  Telugu people?
  86. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Tamil (language): What are some mind blowing facts about "Thirukural"?
  87. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Why do some Indians dislike the Chinese?
  88. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some interesting examples of photographs which show historical figures in unexpected places or company?
  89. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What is the difference in cost of living between Pune and Bangalore?
  90. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the factors which helped India to remain a united country,even after having so much diversity in language,culture,religion etc?
  91. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to How could you generate two different random numbers in the same program?
  92. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to I want to learn C++ for the Competitive Programming .Which would be the best book considering I know basic Java and C?
  93. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to C++ (programming language): How do you save and access data in C++?
  94. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to To start programming, what are the foundational courses that I should be familiar with?
  95. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some projects that make use of Vaadin?
  96. Anonymous' answer to What are best conferences in the world for computational condensed matter physics?
  97. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the most interesting equation plots?
  98. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are some of the best kept secrets of Hyderabad?
  99. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to Which are the best books to study Mathematical Physics?
  100. Balagangadhar Addanki's answer to What are the best programming blogs?